The Special Plate

Years ago, our family started something at meal time that we have grown to love, especially now that all of us don’t get a chance to sit down together as much as we would like.

When we do all gather at the table…someone has the special plate.

The plate itself is not all that special.  It’s not valuable, just a red, plastic plate.  What a happy day when it’s your turn to sit down at a meal with this plate in front of you.  The rest of the family each takes a moment to share a quality about you that makes you special.

“You are a great artist.”

“I like when you play games with me.”

“You tell funny jokes.”

“You make really cool things with your Legos.”

“I saw you play with “Sally” at recess when she didn’t have a friend.”

It is within those words, we find much joy and a reminder that we are loved and noticed by those God chose to put at our side. It’s good to hear nice things from the people that are sometimes the hardest to love.

I remember a day when my oldest daughter was 10, beyond annoyed with her siblings, and she said…

“We should make a comment cup.”

A comment cup?

“Yeah, if someone has the cup, we can tell them what they need to work on.”

Oh, my.

If that wouldn’t create peace, love, and joy around a pan of tator-tot casserole, I don’t know what would!

So, for the sake of family unity and to avoid one giant food fight, we never established the ‘comment cup’.  But, make no mistake, there are days when those thoughts are expressed through glares, shouts, and an occasional ” Well, then you can’t wear my shirt!”

The little things blow up into big things…

when they take the last piece of pizza.

when someone tells them not to sing, so they hum loudly instead.

when they don’t put the cap on the toothpaste.

It’s on those days when tensions are high and patience is scarce that we need to be reminded of grace.  Help us, Lord, to show grace to one another the way you show it to each one of us everyday.  Help us to love each other well, even when it’s hard.  Remind us of those good things said around a red, plastic plate and to be thankful that we have a family to love.













4 thoughts on “The Special Plate

  1. Joni R Sanderson says:

    I love your special plate…whether you are talking about your family now or your family you grew up with as a kid. Whenever I run into one of your parents or siblings I feel as though I have the special plate in front of me. My sister and I would always take turns waiting on your Dad’s table when we were waitresses because he was so nice and made us laugh even on a busy hectic day. He was so good to our Dad and that meant more than words can say. Our son had a true friend in Kim, and the fall my husband hauled for your Dad and Brent will be a time he will always remember…also loved your Mom’s cooking! I could go on , mostly wanted you to know loved your special plate…

    • says:

      Thank you so much for those kind words. That brought tears to my eyes as some of those things I didn’t even know. I remember your family as some of the kindest, most genuine, and hardest working people I know. Thank you for sharing those memories with me!
      Take care,

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